Inner + Outer BeautyLifestyle, Natural BeautyBy Green Goodness CoApril 11, 2021 Share Here at tmf. we acknowledge that beauty is only skin deep. It’s all well and good having a delicious exterior, but it is all the more accentuated when you have a generous heart and an inquisitive mind to boot. As Roald Dahl so eloquently put “if a person has ugly thoughts, it begins to show on the face. And when the person has ugly thoughts every day, every week, every year, the face gets uglier and uglier until it gets so ugly you can hardly bear to look at it. A person who has good thoughts cannot ever be ugly. You can have a wonky nose and a crooked mouth and double chin and stick-out teeth, but if you have good thoughts they will shine out of your face like sunbeams and you will always look lovely.”. Today’s post is about perfect accessorising, about teaming up your inner and outer radiance to truly capture your beauty and unique essence. We have put together 3 outer and inner beauty tips to amp up your shine, and celebrate your to-the-core kind of beauty. INNER TIP 1 // Self love. You’re only gifted with one bod in this life, this is your home and safe haven. Start to be aware of how you talk about yourself or refer to yourself. Are your comments kind and compassionate, or are they judgemental and unnecessary? Challenge yourself to switch your self talk to a kinder station – looking at and speaking to yourself in the same way that you would a friend or loved one. Unconditional self love and acceptance are the gateway to radiant beauty. OUTER TIP 1 // Stay hydrated. Our little temples are made up of 55-60% water, when we are dehydrated it slows everything down. Hydration is key to healthy cells, and especially healthy skin. Loading up on a healthy dose of H20 can help to keep wrinkles at bay, ensures that our skin cells are delivered a healthy serve of oxygen and nutrients, it helps to protect and moisturise the skin, improves blood flow and circulation and it helps to flush out toxins and unwanted nasties from the body. Talk about a ‘happy hour’, bottoms up. INNER TIP 2 // Keep your Monkey Mind in check. In our fast paced world, it’s oh-so easy to get caught up in the craziness and frenetic energy of the goings on around us. Our mind is often so full and busy, that we don’t grant ourselves opportunity to pause and simply be. This is where the tool of the breath, harnessed in meditation, can help. Not only can meditation help to improve mood, aid in restful sleep and facilitate memory and concentration – but its also showing evidence for boosting our outer shell too! The mindful breath encourages our hormones to balance out, assists in the elimination of toxins and allows us to enter a ‘rest and repair’ state of mind that can benefit our skin health. Aummmmm. OUTER TIP 2 // Move that bod. The benefits of exercise on both our physical health and the health of our skin are all too well documented. Increased blood flow boosts a healthy glow, improved circulation ensures that every single cell is topped up with the good stuff, it helps in the maintenance of a healthy weight and, more important than all o’ dis, it makes us happy. That post-workout high that you ride all the way from spin class to home? That’s thanks to a flurry of endorphins that our body releases during exercise. Get happy, get healthy, get hot … get moving! INNER TIP 3 // Laugh. Every one is more beautiful when they’re happy. With a smile in tow, there’s no way you won’t turn heads. Happy energy radiates out of us and shines far brighter than a set of false eyelashes ever could! When you make choices in life that contribute to a happier you, everybody wins. Ensure that every single day, no matter how big or how small the act is, try to do just one thing for you to make you smile. Our top picks? Reading a few pages of a favourite inspiring text, slowly sipping on a cup of tea in the sunshine, going for a stroll along the beach … anything that lights you up. It will spill out of your pores and amp your beauty up to level ‘phwoarrr!’. OUTER TIP 3 // Use skincare and beauty products that love you right back. The beauty industry is a huge one, and laden with the good, the bad and the ugly. By choosing and using products that love your skin right back, ensuring that it tops up on the good stuff (and leaves our skin calm, hydrated and nutrient rich) rather than depriving your skin of its natural goodness – you will help to enhance your natural glow. Know what you’re putting on your body, because what we use will naturally become a part of us, make sure its as beautiful as you are. Choose skin care and beauty products that are organic, boast natural and earth-friendly ingredients and that leave your skin feeling amazing. Trust us – you, and the planet, are so worth it. Blog lovingly provided by The Makeup Factory POPULAR TAGS | goodness pick, discover, trending, 100 Days of Healthy