RATE US Loading... OWN THIS BUSINESS Opening Hours tues - sunday 9:30am - 4pm. check for secial events and workshops Organic Produce Organic Shops Organic Tea Raw Food Café Raw Food Cooking Classes Raw Food Suppliers Super Foods Supplements Vegan/Vegetarian Café Vitamins and Supplements Share Shoku Iku 120 high street melbourne, melbourne | www.shokuikuaustralia.com shoku iku is not your usual cafe/shop. It is a place to learn and experience this new dynamic way of eating. introducing whole foods cooking, (or uncooking ) using healing organic/biodynamic ingredients, emphasising the importance on fruits, vegetables and whole natural foods and also the use of “super foods”, “super herbs” , and longevity supplements. With the knowledge gained over the years. meals are always nurturing and kind to your body and soul, and of course your taste-buds! based on Raw and living food cuisine, enhanced with contemporary and traditional idea of macrobiotic philosophy, integrating the knowledge from both East Asian system and modern nutrition.