Atone Wellness

A: DOUBLEVIEW, Western Australia Australia

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Ever found yourself thinking there has to be a better option? Me too.

As a hairdresser of nearly 20 years I did my 4-year apprenticeship in the traditional way and worked in numerous salons before owning my own salon for 5 years. I loved my work and the results I produced, working with a lot of the well known “chemical based” hair colours and products. In 2006 I became pregnant with my first child, sold my salon and left the industry for what I thought at the time was a well earned break. Like a lot of women I fell OUT of love with my career and IN love with my new role as Mum. Child turned to children and we were a growing family all of a sudden.

This is where my journey with health and wellness really began. I wanted to give my children the best start in life with excellent health and nutrition. All things lead to another as they say … and there it was staring me in the face. What you put ON and IN your body is so CRUCIAL to your overall health and I had missed it all these years. Understanding the impact my work with chemicals could potentially have caused my unborn child and my own future health was frightening. Not to mention all of my clients. But like anything in life we can’t go back and change the past so I made it my mission to educate myself and make the change to atone for past sins and to move forward with much better choices.

I tried and tested so many organic & natural professional brands but that wasn’t enough. They needed to perform and deliver the same salon results I was used to. Compromise was NOT an option. I even tried home remedy products to come up with the solution I needed. Late 2014 it happened. I finally found a professional, organic, healthy colour and styling range that I absolutely adored. Just like that I was back in love with my career and ready to share the experience with like-minded lovelies who don’t want to sacrifice their health or their beauty, just like me.

Knowing I could take the guess work out of making the right choices for other women and give them the gorgeous salon experience they were used to made opening a salon again a no brainer.

I don’t strive for extremes or perfection – in fact I live and love a balanced lifestyle. But above it all I simply don’t believe I have to compromise my health to enjoy a little indulgence. And neither should you. Alana


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