Bianca Daly Health, Wellness & Lifestyle

A: QUINNS ROCKS, Western Australia 6030 Australia

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I am Bianca Daly and my purpose is to educate, support, inspire and coach women to take control of their health and heal their body.

I am a certified CHEK Holistic Lifestyle Coach with a background in counselling. I combine the two approaches to provide a holistic health, wellness & lifestyle coaching service to women. I specialise in digestive functioning, fertility/menstruation, immune conditions, weight management, stress reduction and energy rejuvenation.

I primarily work with women and through a comprehensive assessment process, I identify the root cause of their symptoms. I then guide and support women through an individualised coaching program to address the root cause through nutrition, movement, stress management, mind and lifestyle habits.

I believe that we all have an innate ability to self-heal, prevent dis-ease and find balance. It is this that I coach women to achieve and with the correct ingredients, optimal health is vitality is possible.

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